Teamwork ~ Leadership ~ Commitment

VFW Post 1926 serves the towns of Simsbury, Granby, and East Granby Connecticut. The post name is Metacomet VFW Post 1926. We operate out of Simsbury Free Mason Lodge # 36 on Hopmeadow Street next to Libert Bank. As we do not have a dedicated facility we use the Simsbury Free Mason Lodge #36 for our meetings, however, we also use other facilities for functions including local restaurants, Eno Hall, and others. 

Because we do not have a facility, every dollar goes towards our veteran support and community support activities in which we are very active as shown by our many events and projects. One such project is the magnificent Simsbury Veterans Memorial in the center of Simsbury which was a joint project with Simsbury's American Legion Post 84


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News & Events

Upcoming events

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Membership Details

As yesterday's defenders of freedom...

 ...we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.

WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, War on Global Terror and other Peace-Keeping Expeditionary Campaigns throughout the globe.

Assistance & Benefits

Assistance & Benefits

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is dedicated

 to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country, veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families and continues to be a voice for returning and currently deployed service members and their families.

Post News

Important Info for Post1926 Members

Metacomet VFW Post 1926, Veterans Day

Metacomet VFW Post 1926, Simsbury, announce ceremony plans for Veterans Day, November 11 and month-long clothing drive

The Metacomet Post 1926, Simsbury Emergency Services Dispatchers

The Metacomet Post 1926, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Simsbury, CT. Presents Certificate of Appreciation to Simsbury Emergency Services Dispatchers

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

CT Veterans

Access Government Services Faster and Easier. The Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs Mobile Application allows Connecticut Veterans and residents to access crisis assistance by phone, text, and online chat.

No One Knows how I Feel

Luster & McCoy - No One Knows How I Feel (Patriotic Tribute) aka "You Are Not Alone"

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Reminds Members to Stay Focused Amid Confusion in the Capital

WASHINGTON - Over the past few weeks, I, like many of you, have been inundated daily with news from our nation's capital about the...

Leading veterans' groups release Independent Budget Recommendations for the Department of Veterans Affairs




"That the purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their widows and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies."